Friday, August 22, 2008

On to the Redwoods

We left San Francisco and headed to the Redwoods today. On our way out of town, we drove down the crooked street in San Francisco and went over the Golden Gate bridge. We decided to travel up Highway 1 along the coast. After about 45 minutes of slow, very curvy roads, we decided to head inland to go up Highway 101. We made better headway and eventually got to the redwoods. It's amazing how massive those trees are and how old they are.

We went to the place where you can drive through the tree, we had to pull the mirrors in to get through and although I was a little worried, we made it. Further down the road, we stopped a couple times to walk into the forest and see the trees up close.

We arrived in Fortuna CA around 6:00 PM and the kids are in the pool as I am writing this. Tomorrow we head to Florence OR and then the next day we'll be home. I think we're all a little tired of traveling and are looking forward to a couple of home cooked meals.

Here are a few pics.

And here is the description of the day from the kids.

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